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  1. Add the desired product(s) to your cart.
  2. Enter your billing and delivery information and choose a payment and delivery method.
  3. After validation of your order, you will be kept informed of its progress.
You have the possibility at any time to create a free customer account which will facilitate operations/steps. You can also view our terms of use.
By choosing our site, you are certain of the quality and authenticity of our products. You are sure to get the best service available during and after your purchase.
If the problem occurs within 30 days of your purchase, we invite you to first contact the after-sales service of the reseller site. Once this deadline has passed, we invite you to contact our online after-sales service .
Yes, you can buy on this site 7 days a week, 24 hours a day; wherever you are in the world. However, pay attention to the countries to which you can be delivered:

  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Luxembourg
  • The Netherlands
  • United Kingdom
  • Austria
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Portugal